What are your current operating hours and location?

Clinic hours = Monday to Friday 8.00am – 3.30pm. Telehealth consultations are available to all local, regional, interstate, and international clients.

What happens if I do not see improvements?

Usually the children with constipation, soiling, or daytime incontinence show significant improvement or are ‘fixed’ within the first 4-6 sessions if seen regularly on a weekly basis in Occupational Therapy. If your child does not show significant improvement after this time, other medical specialists (Paediatrician, Gastroenterologists) or allied health professionals (eg SLP, dietician, or Psychologist) may be consulted.

How many appointments will my child need ?

Most children will achieve success within 4-6 weekly sessions. You will need to book an initial appointment (1 hour) followed by 5 weekly standard appointments (30 mins each).

Do you always see success?

If the child has normal development there is usually a good rate of success with this programme if the parents are compliant with the suggestions given to them by the therapist. Children with other developmental concerns (eg ASD, ADHD) can be successfully treated with this program, but may take a bit longer to achieve success.

Will medicare cover some of the cost of this service?

In some cases your child may be eligible for a GP Enhancement Care Plan or Chronic Disease Management Plan which does have some access to a Medicare rebate. Please discuss this with your GP to find out if your child is eligible. NDIS clients will incur a gap payment of $26 for their initial consultation also.

Will my health insurance cover some of the cost of this service?

Please contact your health insurer to determine your eligibility and rebates. There is no HICAPS/eftpos system available to make a claim at the time of your appointment.

What should I tell my child when I bring them to Occupational Therapy?

Please be as honest as you can about your reasons for coming! It is also important for the child to know that they will only be required to talk with me, and that there is no threatening or invasive element to this treatment! 

I am sure that I’ve tried everything and seen many professionals before – should I still come to see you?

I hear this comment frequently and would still encourage you to make contact with me. I have had over 30 years experience with many children who have a variety of abilities and challenges. I thrive on new challenges and would love to see if I can fix your child’s problem despite having ‘tried everything’.  I do have a couple of secret “weapons” in my programme that can be very useful tools!

Can you still help me if I live in a regional area, interstate or overseas?

We currently only offer Telehealth or phone consultations via Zoom and other platforms. It is often beneficial for your child to meet with the therapist briefly during the initial consultation, but the majority of the appointment time consist largely of a discussion between parents and the therapist.

How do I pay for your service?

We request that you provide your credit card details prior to your appointment and will send you an “Authority for Payment“ form at the time of booking your appointment. Then we will make arrangements to take a payment on the day of your appointment. We will also accept direct debits as payment prior to your appointment. Please get in touch with us if you require more details (enquiries@onesandtwosot.com.au)

Do you accept NDIS clients?

I usually request a few more specific details/report about the child’s developmental history before accepting NDIS clients. If I proceed with therapy for your child, I will only accept self managed NDIS clients. Note – there is a gap payment by the client for all NDIS initial consultations.