Case study - bed wetting 8 yr old
8 yr old child is a very deep sleeper and needs to wear a nappy.
Wears pull-ups and wets every night between 11pm-3am
used to soil occasionally a couple of years ago
Currently passes a large formed bowel motion every couple of days
Currently dry and independent during the day
Seen 3x in therapy
Parents made arrangements to get suitable bell and pad alarm
Commenced laxatives to ensure bowel motions would be soft and regular on a daily basis
Nappy removed at night and parents advised not to take her for a “dream wee”
Suitable reward system implemented
Education provided to the child and parents regarding the urinary/digestive systems
Immediately showed signs of improvement and quickly had many dry nights with occasional wet beds that reduced in size over a couple of weeks
Child was regularly waking to wee during the night initially and progressed to sleeping through each night to remain dry
Discontinued alarm after 6 weeks successfully