Case study - daytime wetting 9 yr old
9 yr old boy still wets the bed despite years of intermittent bed wetting alarm use and also sometimes has daytime accidents.
He sometimes can go weeks without any problems.
It is affecting his self confidence and he is afraid to go on school camps and has stopped attending cubs.
He has seen several GPs over the years to rule out things like UTIs. The common response is "don't worry, he will grow out of it”.
Some concerns re attention and concentration
Doesn't drink much during the day especially at school.
Parents not able to verify regularity or type of bowel motions
Currently use a Therapee bell and pad alarm - usually reliable. He gets sweaty at night so occasionally has false alarms and is often difficult to rouse after alarm goes off.
Wets often small amounts during the day and at night but can be dry for many days as well
Sometimes takes himself to the toilet to wee but often parents see him doing a "wee dance" and make him go
Seen 5x in therapy
After closer monitoring of his poos, a laxative was introduced and advice given regarding the importance of daily soft bowel motions
Records kept to monitor frequency of daytime/nighttime wetting and type and frequency of bowel motions
Education provided to child and parents regarding the importance of daily fluids and restricting fluids prior to bed
Advice given regarding the correct application of behaviour modification techniques
Alarm discontinued
Completely dry at night and no longer requires an alarm
Independently takes self to the toilet for both wees and bowel motions during the day and no longer requires adult direction
Completely dry during the day
Advice given re the ongoing use of laxatives in the short term to maintain success