Perfect toilet equipment for toilet training

I have worked with many clients who spend an extraordinary amount of money on getting the right toilet equipment for their children when they are toilet training. The need for a special toilet seat insert, and stool for the children’s feet are important (but not always essential or practical when you are out at the shops, park, playground, or a friend’s place), so I do not place a lot of emphasis on this with my clients.

One delightful mum organised a more practical setup this week which included the resources that I have provided her with (diagrams of the digestive system designed specifically for children and the language to use, as well as sticker charts for recording all data) . But most importantly, she has a fantastic supply of cleaning equipment ready if necessary!!!

Toilet training is usually not perfect initially, but with dedicated parents like this, it is almost certain to be successful one day soon!


iPads and cooperation with sitting on a toilet