2022 – benefits of Telehealth appointments

Happy New Year! I have started work again this week and am excited to be able to see so many new families from all over Australia – South Australia, New South Wales, Victoria and Queensland so far this week. I was thrilled to also be able to start working with a family in Fiji and have a lovely family in California as well that are making good progress since I started helping them before Christmas.

The advantages of Telehealth appointments far outweigh the benefits of seeing clients in the clinic, so I will be continuing to offer these appointments throughout 2022. I have found that the Telehealth appointments enable both parents to “attend” sessions from their respective workplaces, they are far more time efficient for busy families, and the children remain calm and interested in the safety and comfort of their own homes when discussing some fairly confronting issues.

I will be available from Monday to Thursday again this year so please book online to see me soon.


Ipads on the toilet


Staying positive and assertive